Agora staking economics

The initial stake required is 40,000 BOA per validator. Each validator will get a share of the allocated validator rewards if it behaves honestly by proposing blocks when required and attesting to valid blocks proposed by other validators. If a validator does not propose a block when it is the chosen validator or it does not attest to blocks within the expected time it will be penalized by having a small amount of stake removed. If it is proven to be dishonest then it will be slashed which results in larger amounts of stake being removed. Slashing only occurs for any of the following protocol violations: 1. a misbehaving block proposer who proposes two different blocks at the same slot height 2. an attester which publishes a vote with different source checkpoints for the same target checkpoint 3. an attester which publishes a vote that surrounds or is surrounded by another of its votes in relation to source and target checkpoints

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